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Internet Time Management

by John Horsch

Don't Waste Time Jumping From Idea to Idea. Maintain Focus and you will find yourself becoming much more successful earning a living online.

So many people jump from project to project..idea to idea..program to program wasting time and money in the process.

Focusing your energies on one solid plan is the only way you can use your time effectively.

My first few years of Internet marketing were a series of seeking the "hot" new marketing or business product. I realized that slowly, I was bleeding myself dry and not coordinating any truly effective advertising campaigns. Week to week I would sign up for the next Free program and even flip flop between programs.

Work on one project. Do everything you have to do to make that one project successful. Edit your sales letter. Create new headlines. Put up multiple follow-up letters. Try new ads. Sign up new affiliates. Keep working on it.

It takes enough of your time to advertise one program, much less 4 or 5. It takes enough money just to get your first web site established. Don't divide your attention and money on several ventures.

This most assuredly results in failure for these programs.

The most important thing you can do to properly utilize your time is to develop and stick to a daily plan. Draft one up, take the time and make a realistic daily plan. Make sure you have the time you allocate each day and stay with the plan you have developed for yourself.

Some projects will, at first, seem overwhelming and therefore discouraging. Over coming this hurdle is the key that separates the good from the not so good.

Most people will not focus long enough on a project to see it through to conclusion. Others begin a project and leave it to sit..restlessly wanting to get back to it, but telling themselves it's to difficult.

Break your tasks down into comfortable bits of time, work on these tasks and slowly your project will come to life.

How you got there doesn't matter...completing it does.

A 3+ year veteran of Internet marketing, John Horsch publishes
The Workhome1.com Ezine, http://www.workhome1.com/services.htm
and owns and operates Workhome1.com. Workhome1.com has a full complement of advertising to meet the daily needs of Internet Marketers.

The Workhome1.com Ezine was established in Dec. 2001 and continues
to offer relevant and timely Internet Marketing news to it's 17,788 Subscribers.


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