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TrackMyHours Keeps Business Time Management on Track by PRWEBinclude("http://www.alltimemanagement.com/incl/articlecenter1.html");?> Time management tools such as TrackMyHours are useful tools to help managers in the workplace. (PRWEB) December 4, 2004 -- With the world moving a faster and faster rate every day, it’s very easy to get left behind. Developing efficient time management skills and techniques is the key to success, not only in business, but in all areas of life. Not surprisingly, the art and science of time management is a growing discipline, and providing time management education and resources is a growing industry. New courses, software packages, E-books and other resources are appearing on the market all the time. There is more information at http://www.timemanager123.com Time management complements a growing collection of business and career related psychological disciplines which includes memory improvement, communication skills, problem solving, decision making, stress management, project planning, and using creativity in useful and effective ways for business. An essential aspect of time management in business is keeping track of hours spent on each task or project, and calculating the cost of each hour of work. TrackMyHours is a web based software package designed to maximize the efficiency of the time tracking process for business. Time tracking is very useful for estimating the cost of future projects, based on the number of hours needed to complete similar projects in the past. Billing clients by the hour, rather than per project is the most efficient way to manage project costs. It is also very useful to realistically keep track of how much time is being spent actually doing work on a client’s project, how many hours are spent on office tasks such as answering the phone, emailing and billing, and how much time is dedicated to securing future clients. Getting the balance right is the key to running an efficient, profitable business. include("http://www.alltimemanagement.com/incl/articleadsense.html");?> TrackMyHours.com is simple to use, and provides users with all the tools necessary to track and manage business time efficiently. A 30 day free trial of the package can be downloaded from the website. # # #
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