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Use Your Time Wisely by Michael Leeinclude("http://www.alltimemanagement.com/incl/articlecenter1.html");?> When I was small, I have never considered the importance of time. I resolved to myself that I will do things that will contribute I became obssessed with self-improvement, so I started a include("http://www.alltimemanagement.com/incl/articleadsense.html");?> I urge you now to make the most use of your time. It may be Don't be a couch potato. Don't just sit around and be contented Do something nice and give all your best to the fulfillment Some people complain that they don't have enough time to take I'm not saying that leisure is a no-no. In fact, everyone should Ok, I hear you. You're saying that you really just can't budget Don't panic. Here are some time management tips. 1) If possible, do more than one thing at the same time. Exercise while watching your favorite TV show. Listen to Be forewarned! Never do this if it puts you at risk or in 2) Don't do something later if it can be done concurrently with If you're going to the market to buy some eggs, think of the If you have an appointment with the dentist today and you also 3) Be organized in everything that you do. Put labels on bottles. Put similar files on one folder. Make a You can also use your mind to organize things you have to If you have many things to do, try to group related things Time is one of our most valuable resources. Once lost, it can
Michael Lee is the author of "How To Be A Red Hot Persuasion
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