Do You Feel Overwhelmed Running A Web Business Try This

This is an interesting article by David Coyne on time management for internet marketers and web entrepreneurs. It takes the approach of determining your most important tasks and blocking out time to complete those tasks. It also makes a strong point to not get bogged down by email throughout the day, as that can suck up a lot of time.

One thing that fascinates me about [tag]web entrepreneurs[/tag] and marketers like Joe Vitale, Yanik Silver and Terry Dean is how incredibly productive they are. They seem to create a near constant stream of information products like e-books, special reports, courses, software and compact discs. On top of that, they juggle all the daily activities required by anyone running a [tag]small business[/tag]. If you have the resources, you can hire employees or contract workers. But I think most web entrepreneurs prefer to keep their businesses as “solo operations.” But handling everything yourself requires maximum efficiency. I certainly have my own techniques for time management, but I asked for feedback from other entrepreneurs. Here’s some of their solutions. “I always take about 30 minutes to an hour to look at my emails at the beginning of the day” says Stephanie Hetu ( “Then, after that, I try to look at my emails again only every 2 hours or so. “When I started online I used to look at my emails every 10 minutes, this was very time consuming and counter-productive because you end up spending more time reading than actually BUILDING your business.” However, not everybody thinks checking email first thing is a good idea. “I always devote the first hour of the day to revenue producing activities,” says Bill Hibbler of the RudlReport ( “I never check email or voice mail until after that hour is completed. “If you open your email first and find a refund request or a customer with a big tech support problem, it tends to stay on your mind and distract you from the task at hand.”


One technique I used to help to me reach maximum efficiency was to figure out when my brain was most creative. For me, that’s the morning. During the hours of 9 am to noon, I do most of my creative tasks, such as writing my articles, editing my ezine, working on sales copy, or coming up with new marketing ideas for my website. My energy sags between noon and about 2:30pm. I use this time to do less mentally taxing activities. Answering email, fixing a typo on a web page or uploading pictures. Determine when your creative energy peaks. Maybe you’re more of a night owl and find this is the best time to work on projects that require creativity. Adjust your schedule accordingly.


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