Time Management Tips for Students pt 2 – 10 Essential Tips to do Well at School

This is a continuation of the previous article and the remaining 5 time management tips for students.  These tips seem to be very obvious, or straight forward in what they discuss, yet most of the time, it’s the basics and mastering the basics that really make the difference in terms of getting the results you want delivered.  For example, getting organized can be in many different forms.  People waste an enormous amount of time searching for the same thing over and over again.  Read on for the rest of these 5 tips.  Remember, while they are helpful for students, they are also helpful for those in other stages in their lives as well as other professions.

6. Get organized.
You should file all your notes properly after each lesson. Do not wait until revision time to search through pile after pile of papers for that set of revision notes / worksheets that you wanted to revise then. It will be bad time management on your part if you have to spend hours after hours in searching for stuff rather than in studying.

7. Avoid procrastination.
Staring at your work and wondering why you have to spend your precious Saturday afternoon doing it will not get you anywhere. Do not spend your time idling or daydreaming instead of being focus and complete the task immediately. Complete the task in order of the priority you have set for each assignment. You will find yourself completing every thing before long if you focus your attention on your task instead of procrastinating. In this way, you will not leave things till the eleventh hour.

8. Get rid of distractions.
If there are distractions in your working area, such as television, bed, music, computer games, etc, it will be very difficult to stay focus. You need to find a quiet and conducive environment to study or seek the co-operation of your family members to either lower the volume of the television or to turn it off. You can also shut the door to the room where you are working in to eliminate any noises that might distract you.

9. Allow time to review goals and schedule occasionally.
Sometimes it is possible that a goal set earlier is unachievable at the moment due to your lack of related skills or that it is too easily achieved, revise the goals. Check the priorities of the task set in the schedule, eg. 1 or 2 of your weak subjects could have improved tremendously after weeks of revision, so now you should redirect your focus on a weaker subject.

10. Focus on completing one task at a time.
This is the last time management tip but it does not mean that it is not important. If you are not focus, chances are you will hop from one task or assignment to another. Do not believe it when people tell you that you should multi-task and try to do a few things at one time. You might end up getting nothing done at the end of a whole day.

It is actually not a difficult process to get everything done in one day or within the time constraints given if you are able to apply the time management tips given above. Be realistic. Do not expect to see change happening overnight and not every tip will work for you immediately. Try each one out for at least a week to see which is the most suitable time management tip that you can apply to your life effectively. Getting into the habit of applying them is very important though and if you stick to these tips, you will definitely see success.

“Stella Mak is a qualified school teacher with over 18 years of teaching experience and a mother of a pair of twins, so she is very experience in handling children. Did you find the above information useful? You can learn a lot more about parenting children as well as receive FREE ecourse and special report on parenting at http://www.childrenproblemshelpdesk.com

More articles on time management tips for students:

Time Management: A Distance Learning Student’s Friend – My Penn

Terry is an adult learner earning an online associate’s degree from Penn Foster College. Read more about Terry’s experience in his blog, My Penn Foster College Experience!

Publish Date: 07/12/2009

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