Time management for Internet businesses is very important because a business owner
- Summary of productivity models (Saari 2006b) (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
can get very overwhelmed with the tasks of managing their online presence. It is necessary to stay focused on the activities that bring you money and outsource the rest. This article is about some of the things that can cause you a reduction in your efficiency and productivity.
Is productivity something you give much thought to in your business? What about time management? These are two areas that can make or break your business, yet many new online entrepreneurs do not give them a thought until it’s too late and the business is struggling. You need to think about the activities and tasks that are necessary and relevant to moving your business forward, the amount of time you spend learning versus actually taking action, and the more long-range plans that can take your business to the next level as quickly as possible.
During my first year online I was not very productive. I wasted lots of time attempting to find the information I would need in order to build a business. Once I had isolated the specific activities I needed to engage in each day I became more productive than ever. Within a short period of time I became much faster at what I was doing and my skills also improved. I could accomplish more in a day than I used to do in a week or more. This led me to start sharing my techniques and strategies with others. Only engage in activities that will move your business forward and you will stay on track.
My first year was also consumed with learning new things. I felt like I was working eight to ten hours each day, but actually I was reading, listening to audios, and attending live teleseminars and webinars for most of that time. Once I cut that down to learning only two hours each day my productivity really increased dramatically. This business is like any other; once you have learned enough to be able to do it yourself you must jump in and start taking action.
My plans when I came online were to be able to replace my income from my previous offline jobs. I just didn’t give much thought to what would happen after that because I constantly worried about earning enough money to pay my bills each month. Once that became mush easier I was able to think ahead. I encourage you to do this from the very beginning so that you have more of a direction in your life and business. I now plan each quarter so that my business moves along at a steady clip.
You can see that productivity and time management are areas where you can improve if you just give this some thought and take action on a regular basis.
Remember that the reason to start an Internet business is to give you the time and money to live the life you choose. Download a free teleseminar on building your online business and a Special Report on 21 tips to make huge profits from a tiny list by visiting Build Your List to learn how to make huge profits with an online business through relationship marketing.
Incoming time management related search terms:
- productivity saari
- summary of productivity and the internet
- time management tips for online students -gov -edu -pdf
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Tags: online business, productivity, Small business, Time Management