Archive for April, 2010

Time Management Systems – What are They?

Wednesday, April 7th, 2010

Time management systems provide a great way for businesses and entrepreneurs to create a system that will allow the business owner to be successful in their endeavors.  Picking a time management system depends upon the needs of the business owner and the type of results they want to achieve.  So what does one look for in one of these systems?  The article below discusses the kinds of things a business owner should know before they invest their time and dollars into a system.  Read on for more.  For you Mac lovers, the author actually includes systems for you as well!

With the advent of the internet it can’t help but be noticed that there are tons of time management systems cropping up like mushrooms all over the marketplace today and with good reason.

With all of the balls we find ourselves juggling today with home, career and family it’s difficult to get done all that needs doing. People are busier now than ever before and are struggling to manage their time which is why these systems are proving so popular.

Of course, not all of these systems were created equally. This is why you need to determine which of these systems are worth their weight in gold and which are best avoided. While it is impossible to review every system it is possible to look towards a number of common threads that qualify it as a quality time management system.

First off, do you really need it? If you only need to schedule your day do you really need an expensive piece of software that gives you your quarterly earnings report? Fair enough if you do but you don’t want to pay for features you’re not going to use, that’s throwing money away.

It’s also important to look for time management systems that are relatively simple and easy to use, there is always a learning curve associated with these types of programs but if it’s going to take you months to get a handle on it, again is it necessary?, do you really need it? Are you trying to kill a mosquito with a cannon? Would simple software with less features be just as effective instead?

Some believe that price and complexity equates to quality but this couldn’t be further from the truth in fact, the simpler the system, the easier it is to put to work and experience results from.

Time management systems can cover such things as project management, task management, employee management and can even email you reminders and notifications so that you don’t miss a single thing, the concept is that it’s supposed to be like having an assistant working alongside you but without the price tag.

While time management systems have their place they can be a little pricey ranging anywhere from $49.95 to the multiple hundreds depending upon how complicated you want it to get.

In my honest opinion, if you have a Mac, iCal does a perfectly good job of helping to maintain your schedule, you can even set an alarm in accordance with your reminders to alert of your pending tasks. iCal, has a few less features than some of the time management software out there but depending upon your needs is more than adequate for most people.

If you run on a windows operating system you’ll more than likely be acquainted with Windows Calendar, based along the same premise as iCal, you can program in your daily tasks along with reminders and alerts and the best thing is, both iCal and Windows Calendar are free and already come with your default software. If you’re not familiar with them it pays to get acquainted to help you better organize and manage your time.

And if you really want to get back to beginner basics and keep as simple as possible, effective time management can be as easy as a diary and a pen. There are several good planners out there and because it’s well into the year you could easily grab yourself a good quality planner with a heavy discount.

You don’t need fancy time management systems to get the most out of your time, getting back to basics can be just as effective as $300 time management software.

If you would like to learn how to squeeze the most productivity out of your day without shelling out a ton of cash to do it, you need to get your free report and learn how.

Get your free report now.

Click Here Now:

More on Time Management Systems:

Track employees’ time with studio management software for creative

Your employees’ time is what creates the majority of the cost for a project/job. A studio management system will ensure that you can track and measure their time. This way you can see if your projects are profitable and you can use this …

Publish Date: 04/06/2010

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Freelancer’s Time Management Tools – Which are Best?

Monday, April 5th, 2010

Freelancers and entrepreneurs are those professionals that truly require some form of time management that will allow them to manage projects, clients, interruptions, training, and then their own much needed time for rejuvenation.  As an entrepreneur, you have to really be self motivated, and the more support you have to help you keep on track, the more efficient you can be with your workload.  In this article, the author discusses some of the time management tools that will help an entrepreneur or freelancer be able to reach their goals.

Each and every year there are always a slew of so called “new” and “innovative” time management methods. As a freelancer you have more than likely run into the time management problem. New clients pop up unexpectedly, old ones need some rework and just life in general making a mess of things. You have probably also read a few time management articles or books, and that’s ok. The more you know, the better you are off. But if none of those have worked for you then you need to go back to the basics.

The best and most well known time management system is the good old pen and paper. You don’t need some sleek expensive management system, nor some fancy complicated to-do list. The pen and paper work because they have worked well since the dawn of civilization. What does this mean? This means simple works, and simple is what you want to get your freelance life in order.

With the pen and paper, you create at least two lists. I say at least two because depending on your situation you will want to plan further ahead or just need more specialized lists. Though with two lists you can get started very well.

One list is for your daily tasks. Each and every day you write down what you have to do that whole day. This way, you can start your day off very well and organized. You will know exactly what you do and what you do not have time for.

You can also create a list the day before during the evening. This way, you know what you completed that day, since it’s fresh in your mind, and be able to plan the next day accordingly.

After you have planed the most immediate tasks and repetitive daily tasks, it’s time to schedule in what you need to do during the week. This tasks include longer goals, projects that don’t need to be completed immediately and anything that only occurs weekly. These are your weekly goals, such as finishing a 20 article project, designing a full website or even your weekly shopping.

Just by using these two lists you can make your freelance life a lot easier. If you want to plan ahead further, for example, you can use a 3rd and 4th list for monthly and yearly goals.

If pen and paper are just not your thing there are a few simple computer programs to help you along. One of the most prominent is Remember The Milk. It is in essence a very handy To-Do list with easy daily and weekly scheduling. Also, if you want to get a bit more in depth you can use Remember The Milk along with Google Calender for complete control.

Using both together will allow you to schedule daily tasks easily while still being able to setup far in the future tasks in a nice visual calendar. Plus, with Google Calendar you can also setup e-mail reminders to help you remember what you need to do that day, week or month.

Piotr Krzyzek is a young, energetic technology entrepreneur. His childhood passion for computers evolved into rapidly growing start-ups and a desire to share information. As he continues his studies on computer programming in Europe, he manages his businesses and helps others use emerging technologies. In addition to Linux specialties, he is honing his knowledge of Internet Marketing and Joint Ventures. Follow Piotr’s most recent technological discoveries at his technical business blog:

More Time Management Tools for Entrepreneurs and Freelancers:

How To Increase Freelancer Online Income By Diversifying Time

Time is gold here and without time you could work as a freelancer. You may be doing a day job full-time and its tough for you to find time to work on freelancing sites. I agree, time management plays a vital role for freelancers. …

Publish Date: 03/30/2010

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Time Management Skills that Nursing Students Can Use

Saturday, April 3rd, 2010

I have a friend who just recently graduated from a nursing program.  I watch her during her time that she was in school and she didn’t have a lot of free time.  The good thing was on her part is that she was able to go to school full time.  She didn’t have to juggle work and kids and school all at the same time.  Even then however, she still required some time management to be able to study so she could pass her tests.  This article talks about the kinds of time management skills that would benefit nursing students.  Part of the skillset does require organization.  Read on for the rest of the skills that are required, and tips that would help nursing students have an easier time with their studies.

Lisa-Jane is a senior student nurse in a certain medical college in Wyoming.

After virtually four years of medical research, at first look you can say that she surpassed all kinds of things, from finishing all the requirements of the academic subject matter as much as practical affiliations in the hospital. She has also started to use time management skills. You can say that she is currently prepared to deal with the real world of nursing other people’s health. Just like other baccalaureate qualification college students, student nurses also discover identical troubles specially relating to time management.

They also have issues in studying to get their exam; also, they also are likely to cram up all through their on-duty training in the hospital.

Although our region delivers a large amount of graduate nurses it does not suffice to the huge number of nursing workforce required.

Shortage of Nurses

As earlier mentioned, time management difficulties tends other nursing students to transfer to different baccalaureate qualification courses. They can’t manage with the time pressure with the studies.

As an effect, there is a shortage of nurses in our region. Although various demographic factors have an affect on the number of nurses, student nurses are still the bottom line – they’re the upcoming nurses. The lower the population in a specific country, the lesser the demand for medical work force is in that particular country.

According towards National Student Nurses’ Association, there are several tips that any nursing student has to have to do well in the occupation. They have got to have

  • The academic capability to pass all of the needed subjects;
  • Great sense of responsibility in the preferred work;
  • Acceptance and also caring;
  • Passion to learn;
  • Adequate belief as well as perseverance to continue the nursing career;
  • Appropriate time management skills

Probably it is the final tip, but its a major consideration among student nurses and must involve it during their studies.

That is the reason why college experts and nursing faculties formulate time management practices to guide the student nurses – both regular and also the remote pupils – cope with all the probable stresses of student nursing.


Incoming time management related search terms:

A Task Management Tool Beyond Organizing Your “To Do” List

Thursday, April 1st, 2010

Time management and task management are very closely related.  A powerful task management tool can also help you to manage your time as well.  Like any tool however, it only works when you use it, so you have to use it to get any benefit.  In this article, the author talks about task management styles that are effective.  This is the 100,000 foot view, so you will want to look for more detail, but at least you will know where to start looking.  Read on for more information on task management.

The problem with most task management tools is that they don’t really look at how you can break down your tasks to make things easier. Let’s face it, it’s easier to procrastinate than to take on most of your organizational needs. But it doesn’t have to be that way. With just a few steps you can make that mountain into a molehill.

Think about whatever it is you have to do. It might be cleaning up your office workspace or organizing your garage. If you get the big picture it can scare you away pretty quickly. I liken this to weeding my garden. If I take the time to count the weeds, or worse, if I think about how many weeds there are, I’ll probably just remove the stakes and chicken wire and get out the lawn mower. End my misery quickly.

But if I think about one row, suddenly the pain doesn’t seem as great, and if I just think about that tomato plant on the end, and how much I’m going to enjoy those beefsteaks on my next burger, suddenly the task is less daunting. That is the real trick to organizing and most professional organizers will tell you the same thing.

Take the TV show Clean House: Friends of mine had the “pleasure” of being selected for that show and they got quite a cleanup and upgrade for the cost of having strangers in their house ordering them around. But the point is, they broke all the steps down. They had a process that they follow every show. It’s the same formula. They don’t start ordering the new furniture until they have the house cleaned out. They don’t set up for the yard sale until the house is cleaned up. Get it?

If you are cleaning up your office space, start with your desk. But don’t be overwhelmed. Just start with one of your drawers, then the next, then the desktop.

Every single thing that you want to do can be broken down into steps. So before you get overwhelmed by the job, break it down into a series of five or ten steps. Then break those steps into four or five tasks. It’s the same task management your parents used and it can easily work for you. Big picture, small tasks, mission accomplished.

In order to make progress in your life or business you have to commit to making change. Do you really want to improve your situation? A quick way to do that is by visiting 10 Minute Transformation

Is ten minutes too much time to spend to live better?

Robert Britt

More articles on Task Management:

Master Your Workday Now: A New Strategy for Task: Control Chaos

The author explains that the Workday Now system is fundamentally different from other task management systems because of its “bottom up” approach. Most other systems suggest first building a big picture, vision statement to guide …

Publish Date: 03/30/2010

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