Archive for September, 2010

Learning Time Management Skills – Does Your Personality Matter?

Sunday, September 26th, 2010

When you are learning time management skills, it is important to understand your personality, how you learn and how you best change your habits.  If you don’t change your habits, then it doesn’t matter what kind of time management skills you learn, you won’t do them.  So understand your personality first will give you a better idea of how you can learn some new time management skills.

Here are some videos on learning time management skills:

Time Management Skills At Work –

Visit us at Effective Time Management At work One skill that is prevalent in all leaders of repute is time management. People who use these techniques routinely are the highest achievers in all walks of life, from business to sport…

Time Management Techniques: Tips for Learning Effective Skills Learn effective time management techniques, skills, and tools for overcoming procrastination. Get free tips that are as useful for employees in the workplace as for students in the classro…

Time Management Skills Training | Help Your Employees Make Time And Karla Brandau Present Office Productivity Tips And Employee Productivity Tips With Today’s Topic Help Your Employees Make Time. For More Information Go to http

Here is an article called,  – Learning Time Management Skills For Your Personality

While there are many common aspects when learning time management skills most people do not take into account their personality type when deciding on their methods. Who you are and how you deal with your problems is essential in planning for good time management so here are a few common types of personalities, how they waste time and how they can manage time better.


Busy types always feel there is no time to do anything because they are so busy rushing around fixing problems and working at what they think is important. The problem with anyone who thinks they are too busy is that they probably make themselves busier than they need to be. This is often caused by poor priority planning spending too much time on small inconsequential problems they could delegate or even leave to a less busy time. They also tend to rush from crisis to crisis leaving piles of tasks behind them not done creating more problems in the long run which is a planning problem. To counter this, a busy personality needs to realize while they are a doer they need to set their priorities right and direct their energies to the right problems at the right times. By doing this a busy personality can be very productive.


Some people just love to talk and socialize and while this can lead to great relationships and people with this trait often make good sales people the tendency to get side tracked by chatting cuts into their time; often this also leads to this personality type blaming their work more then themselves for their workload. People with great social skills can be a real asset but to overcome their time wasting problems you may think that isolating them from others would help; this in fact makes this worse! A social person needs to be social to feel good and be productive but must also learn that moderation is the key, having a beeper to remind them of the time every now and then can spur them on if they get too caught up and having a space that is isolated to work on important things is necessary for them to avoid interruptions which can draw out their natural instincts.


A meticulous person is very precise in all that they do making sure every task they finish is perfect and in order and completely without fault. The problem is that they spend too much time on each task to get them all done! While the meticulous person might have a good idea of priorities they do not have a good sense of time allocation. While it can be hard to get this personality type to learn a new skillset they can learn to divide their time better. Instead of following one project through until the end they should set a certain amount of time in a day and then change to another project no matter if they are finished or not. While this does not seem to finish things any faster it does allow freshness every time you swap projects that is more inventive and efficient which means when you come back to a half finished project the second half can be a breeze with a fresh look instead of being bogged down in one for a whole day!

If you see some of your own personality in these archetypes you may just be spending your time incorrectly but learning time management skills that fall in line with your personality and your strengths can be more rewarding and effective than a cookie cutter solution.

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Do you need more tips to help you manage your time like some of the most successful people in the world?
If so click below to find out how you can benefit from their experience.

Here are some blog posts on Learning Time Management Skills:

Experiential Learning on Time Management Skills « acer laptop

Experiential Learning on Time Management Skills. Most of us use the Internet to access tips and tricks for proper time management. While others purchase self-help books available in bookshops. Even if these tips are reliable, …

Publish Date: 09/23/2010

Time Management Tips That Work! |

Learning good time management skills can feel very difficult when you first start to work on them. The more you work at it, however, the easier it gets to stay focused and on task. The person you’ve always envied for time management …

Publish Date: 09/25/2010

Teaching time management skills to your interns «

Remind your students that they will impress their internship supervisors more by learning how to manage their time efficiently rather than working overtime. First, help your students improve their organizational skills. …

Publish Date: 09/13/2010

Time management skills and techniques | What, Time, Learn

Analyze and improve personal time management skills with a time log. Time log is a very effective time management learning tool. Your minimal effort and a few tips and techniques can eliminate much of wasted time and help you reach …

Publish Date: 09/13/2010

Incoming time management related search terms:

Web Based Task Management Software

Wednesday, September 22nd, 2010

Task management software can certainly make taking care of tasks something that is easy to maintain, thus making projects easier to complete and take less time.  Task management software can be computer based or web based.  This article talks about how web based task management software can give advantages to your business.

I found some videos for you on Task Management Software

To Do List, Online Task Management Software, To Do List Software, Task list

Here is a overview of how the To Do List app works. Learn More:

Why JobTraQ Task Management Software?

JobTraQ® Task Management Software is a flexible and powerful team management software and workflow software solution empowering best practices for human-to-human (H2H) interactions through “Task Enablement”. JobTraQ® Task Management Software enables …

When a company performs projects, task management is crucial to keeping its projects on schedule and ensuring that enough time is given to each task to ensure a project’s quality. Although defect tracking, task tracking, issue tracking, etc., are often discussed as disciplines that commence with the implementation of an official tracking system, the reality is that all project companies officially tracking defects, tasks and issues that are crucial to their projects. But how well they track them is another matter. In many cases, companies begin by using amateur tracking strategies that work well in the beginning. But as they grow and take on larger projects, they often try to make their original tracking methods work in a situation that demands a form of tracking that offers, at the very least, greater task organization and delegation abilities, accommodates a larger number of project participants and allows task resolution status to be viewed in real time.

Concerning the question of who uses web based task management software, the quickest answer would be: companies that handle large projects and that typically work on more than one project at once. However, while large companies that attempt their own task tracking usually show a greater need for web based task management software than smaller companies, task management software is designed for large and small companies alike that work in any area where tracking tasks by computer is a beneficial endeavor. As to the advantages of web based task management software, it’s best to begin by comparing it to its opposite: onsite task management software, which functions like an intranet, meaning that tracking software and hardware is located at a company’s facility.

When comparing web based tracking to onsite tracking, the most obvious difference is price, with web based tracking costing significantly less. To implement onsite tracking, you’ll have to incur the following expenses: hardware costs, software costs, system maintenance fees and system maintenance upgrades. But with web based tracking these expenses are eliminated; all you pay is a monthly fee that’s based on the number of users for your tracking system and the type of tracking options you need. In terms of system users, packages can be found that accommodate as few as five users, and as many as 2,500. In terms of tracking options, most tracking providers perform an analysis of a company’s unique tracking needs and business process to create a tracking system that fits them perfectly.

In addition to its cost effectiveness, web based task management software also offers extreme flexibility in terms of tracking options and remote system access. Some tracking providers offer their services on a pay as you go basis, which allows for the easy adding and deleting of tracking options on a short term basis. With onsite tracking systems, your always stuck with your original tracking options; you can add new options, but you can’t delete old ones that you no longer need. Remote system access refers to system users’ ability to access a web based tracking system from Internet terminals worldwide, which is ideal for companies that conduct or plan on conducting business on a national or global level, as well as for companies that have traveling employees, two or more locations that work on the same projects or employees that work from home.

In my research on issue, task and defect tracking, I’ve studied the value of online issue tracking.

More on Web Based Task Management Software:

The Increasing Need For Time And Task Management Software

The stress of keeping up can be reduced by using task management software. It provides you with a way to manage your daily responsibilities. It will help you keep your eye on the ball when it comes to meetings, chores, bills, …

Publish Date: 09/15/2010

Web-Based Task Management in Your Own Space: Business

OneOrZero is member-supported open source group task management software. You can download older versions of the package for free. Membership costs $35/year for access. $95/year gets you some technical support. …

Publish Date: 04/26/2007

Task structure – what is it and how to create it – Task Management

start your task management software; create task group representing tasks of higher level; use Task Tree to break-down your task into doable sub-tasks; plan to-do lists and set action plan goals; plan costs, set priorities and assign …

Publish Date: 05/23/2010

Incoming time management related search terms:

Time Management Tips To Make More Money

Tuesday, September 14th, 2010

While this article title says it all, one cant help but realize that in a way,l saving time is making money if the time saved is put to making money.  This is an approach that may seem a bit odd at first but when you reallly sit down to think about it, it’s true if time is money (there is a neat equation that ends up being the less you know the more you make) which in a metaphysical sense, could mean when we get out of our own way, we have the freedom to step outside of our little box and make more money, and be happier as well.  But that is the metaphysical version.  Read the article for the more practical reasons.

If you want to make more money, you need to manage your time very carefully and avoid anything which distracts you and takes you away from the primary focus. It is important to develop a clear methodology. Here are some suggestions.

Avoid the shiny objects syndrome. Many people who want to make money online get distracted with all the ads they see for the next big deal which promises instant wealth with no work, etc. etc. Avoid trying a lot of new programs since they are very distracting.

Choose a plan and stick with it. If you have decided that you want to promote affiliate products through article marketing, then develop a detailed plan and stick with it. To make money online does take work and there is no avoiding it.

Develop a daily set of plans and goals. Plan out what you need to accomplish that day. For example it might be to create and submit five articles on a particular topic. Create a checklist each day and then do whatever you can to accomplish that.

If you weren’t able to complete the goals you set out for the day, try to figure out why. Then revise your plans as necessary.

Check emails on a set schedule. Emails are very distracting. You may be working on an article and then…BLAM….you get an email from someone. You may stop to read it and respond to it. The next thing you realize is that it’s an hour later and you’ve totally lost your train of thought!

It is better to set specific times to review and respond to your emails. That way you can be focused on the things you need to get done. Try it. You’ll be amazed how much more efficient you can get.

Michelle Jayes lives in South Africa and works from home. She is the webmaster and owner of her internet based business for more ideas and online income opportunities

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Mastering and Learning Time Management Skills

Wednesday, September 8th, 2010

Learning good time management skills can make the difference between success and failure, however, the real difference isn’t necessarily in the skill specifically, but in the mindset of the individual.  Once the mindset is appropriate, the skill comes easily and naturally.  This article is about what to do once the mindset has been established.  Read on for more!  Unfortunately, there isn’t a good followup link to find more information but you can get more info here:

Time Management Tips

You know that good time management skills can make a real difference in your productivity, but it can be hard to create the habits that you need to consistently implement those skills. There’s no need to get overwhelmed – you can master time management with a few consistent steps.

First, and perhaps the most important part of time management is keeping track of just what you need to do. This is where you need a list, or several lists. If you need to get something done, you need to have it written down. Writing down what you need to do frees you from having to think about it.

Why is that important? If you have to remember to do something it keeps surfacing in your mind over and over – even when you should be focused on something else. Your productivity for all tasks is reduced because your mind feels it’s important to keep interrupting what you’re doing to remind you of something else you need to do. If you write down what you need to do on your to-do list or on a sheet of paper in your inbox your mind knows that you’ll get back to that task.

Take things that you write down and put them on a master task list.

This brings us to the next time management principle. Put action steps on your task list. Don’t just write down that you need to work on “Project X.” Write down your next actual step for “Project X” such as “Call Jenn at 333-4444″ or “Write proposal.”

By doing this you look at your list and see exactly what you need to do. You don’t waste valuable time figuring out what step should come next. You’re able to jump right in and get to work.

Some time management experts argue that you don’t need to prioritize your work – that you should be able to look at your to-do list and know what is top priority and work on that. However, I find it works much better to add priorities. You can pull a few tasks from your master to-do list and add them to a daily list. Then prioritize them. This works because you know you don’t stop one task until you’ve completed it. It helps you stick with it.

A final tip to get you mastering time management is to reduce distractions. You can set up the most effective system in the world, but it still won’t work if you’re getting distracted every few minutes. Pick the next task on your to-do list and stick to that task. If you think of something else you need to do while you’re working write it down and put that paper out of the way – and out of your mind. Commit yourself to what you’re doing right now. Close your internet browser and chat windows if you need to. Route your calls straight to voicemail. Turn on some music and focus. Do whatever it takes to remove distraction and stick to your task until the end. You’ll find that you work much more quickly and more effectively.

Use these few principles to maximize your work and develop time management skills that truly bring you greater productivity. Your to-do lists will show you the difference, and you’ll be motivated to continue your new habits.

Kristen really enjoys speaking her mind – and writing about it in her articles. Visit her newest website at to find out more about what she thinks of the Kitchenaid grain mill and other grain mill information.