Posts Tagged ‘planning’

Time Management – Tools and Tips for Success

Friday, September 16th, 2011
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Success can be determined by how well you have achieved your goals.  Since we all live in a physical world determined by space and time, we all realize that the time to create our goals and dreams is constricted by time.  We all have the same 24 hours in a day….  So what makes some of us more successful than others?  A big portion is our use of time.  Read on for how to manage your time better.

We are all so busy these days that it seems we are doing so many things and I for one realize that I’m not performing as well as I would like. Do you feel the same?

There are so many responsibilities on a day to day basis that I often wonder if I’m going to be able to accomplish all the tasks I have in front of me. Those feelings of overwhelm have become a familiar friend. With all the stress in my life I had to find a new way of working. A new plan that would help me not only stay on task but also be able to accomplish them in a timely manner.

The solution: a good time management system. Let’s face it there are tons of different time management systems out there. Some work for a while and some don’t ever work. If I’m going to use a time management system then I have to use one that I know will work for me.

The first step was to sit down and come up with a plan that would work for me on a day to day basis, but could be flexible with my busy life.

Here are the steps that I followed to put my plan in place:

  1. Target: I first had to come up with a target regarding the tasks that needed to be completed and how much time I had in order to get them done. Some jobs are ongoing but other jobs have a completion date.
  2. Planning: This part is very important because I had to decide how much time each job was going to take, when it needed to be completed, or if it was an ongoing job so I would schedule time to work on the task.
  3. Prioritize: Another important part in figuring out my time management plan. Some of the tasks I perform are urgent or have a completion that has to be met. I know this is going to be an ongoing challenge as new tasks come up but if I keep my time management plan handy I can make changes as I go along.
  4. Schedule: One of the benefits of having an effective time management plan is being able to schedule my time. One thing I started doing was to put in not only tasks for my job but also events that occur in my personal life. For instance, I now have a time slotted for when I go to the gym and when I have lunch or dinner with certain friends.

It turned out that putting together a time management plan wasn’t all that difficult once I sat down and took a look at all the task and events I have in my life. Everything is now in one place on a calendar that I put together on my computer. It can be changed as I go along and I can print it out to take with me so I have it in case I need to add something to the plan.

There are many tips and techniques available to help you manage your time more effectively. All you need is to find the ones that work for you. For more information check out

Incoming time management related search terms:

Time Management Tips To Make More Money

Tuesday, September 14th, 2010

While this article title says it all, one cant help but realize that in a way,l saving time is making money if the time saved is put to making money.  This is an approach that may seem a bit odd at first but when you reallly sit down to think about it, it’s true if time is money (there is a neat equation that ends up being the less you know the more you make) which in a metaphysical sense, could mean when we get out of our own way, we have the freedom to step outside of our little box and make more money, and be happier as well.  But that is the metaphysical version.  Read the article for the more practical reasons.

If you want to make more money, you need to manage your time very carefully and avoid anything which distracts you and takes you away from the primary focus. It is important to develop a clear methodology. Here are some suggestions.

Avoid the shiny objects syndrome. Many people who want to make money online get distracted with all the ads they see for the next big deal which promises instant wealth with no work, etc. etc. Avoid trying a lot of new programs since they are very distracting.

Choose a plan and stick with it. If you have decided that you want to promote affiliate products through article marketing, then develop a detailed plan and stick with it. To make money online does take work and there is no avoiding it.

Develop a daily set of plans and goals. Plan out what you need to accomplish that day. For example it might be to create and submit five articles on a particular topic. Create a checklist each day and then do whatever you can to accomplish that.

If you weren’t able to complete the goals you set out for the day, try to figure out why. Then revise your plans as necessary.

Check emails on a set schedule. Emails are very distracting. You may be working on an article and then…BLAM….you get an email from someone. You may stop to read it and respond to it. The next thing you realize is that it’s an hour later and you’ve totally lost your train of thought!

It is better to set specific times to review and respond to your emails. That way you can be focused on the things you need to get done. Try it. You’ll be amazed how much more efficient you can get.

Michelle Jayes lives in South Africa and works from home. She is the webmaster and owner of her internet based business for more ideas and online income opportunities

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Where Does the Time Go

Tuesday, January 13th, 2009

Ever find yourself wishing you had just a few more hours in the day to get it all done? Between work and family responsibilities alone, it can be challenging to juggle time for everything. Surely we were created for more than a life on a continuous treadmill where we never seem to catch up.

Futurists predicted that, in the 21st century, work would be done in virtual organizations and paperless offices. Some even said that the work week would drop to 35, or even 30 hours, and that too much leisure time could become a problem. Most of us are not quite there yet, are we? Actually, over the past quarter-century, the time Americans spend at work has continued to rise. Our world seems to be speeding ahead faster than our comfort level and creating effects like stress, exhaustion and other health problems, to name a few. In business, the constant pressure to reduce costs and to do more with less often leaves employees in an unending cycle of overwork and overwhelm which ultimately affects the productivity and efficiency of the organization.

What is the solution? Time management can help. Or rather, more effective use of time can help. When you think about it, we don’t really manage time, but rather manage ourselves and how we choose to spend each 24 hour day we are given. By having tools and support available, we can better manage ourselves and the choices we make.
Tips for Managing Use of Time…

1. TAKE A LOOK AT WHERE YOU SPENDING YOUR TIME. It may sound odd to suggest taking time in an already busy schedule to assess how you are using time. Try tracking your time for the next week and see just how you spend it. Becoming more aware of how you use time can help you identify opportunities for changes that may alleviate time pressures. Ask yourself: Is there a change I can make to spend time more wisely?

2. DISTINGUISH BETWEEN IMPORTANT AND URGENT. If you have 25 tasks for a given day, how many of them do you truly need to accomplish? An excellent tool for helping prioritize activities is Covey’s Time Management Matrix (Stephen R. Covey in his book “First Things First”). It is a simple and straightforward approach to determining importance vs. urgency when planning your activities. Most of the time, focusing on things that are important, rather than urgent, results in greater effectiveness. Ask yourself: Do I prioritize effectively?

3. PLAN YOUR WORK; WORK YOUR PLAN. There is a cost in time and energy associated with working in a reactionary mode without a plan. While there will always be a need for flexibility, having a plan will help you maintain focus and measure progress. It can also support you in handling interruptions that may take you off task. Ask yourself: Do I have a clear plan? Am I working my plan?

4. ZAP TIME WASTERS. Time wasted can never be regained. A few examples… browsing the internet, email, chatting with co-workers, looking for things, and talking on the phone. Some ideas for zapping these time bandits are: schedule a time to return phone calls and email, get organized so that time is not wasted looking for tools and papers, use an Internet reminder service to keep track of important dates or events. Ask yourself: What will I do to eliminate time wasters?
“The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot.” ~ Michael Althsuler

Coach Morgan is a Business & Personal Coach. She helps business leaders and their teams become more productive and profitable while maintaining focus and balance. She has led work groups in the United Kingdom and Australia. Coach Morgan is an adjunct professor at the University of Miami and a graduate of CoachU. She is the author of “A Year of Smooth Sailing – 12 Strategies for Charting Your Course to a Great Life” and “Smooth Sailing Success.”


Incoming time management related search terms:

How To Reorganize Your Time To Accommodate A Home-Based Business

Tuesday, September 25th, 2007

This time management article is similar to the previous article because it talks about planning as the main ingredient to time management. Focus on those tasks that are most important to you during the day, and leave the ones that don’t take you to your goals for the day. Again, the next good article would be a follow up with long term planning as a long term time management strategy and lifestyle.

Almost everyone needs or wants more money coming in, and with this desire most would like to start some sort of extra income-producing project. The trouble is, not many of these people seem able to fit “a second job” into their time schedules.

It’s true that most people are busy, but extra time for some sort of home-based extra income-producing project can almost always be found. It may mean giving up or changing a few of your favorite pastimes – such as having a couple of beers with the guys or watching TV – but if you score big with your extra income project, you will have all the time you want for doing whatever you want to do.

The first thing to do is to sit down with pencil and paper and list your daily schedule. What time do you wake up? Then step-by-step, list everything you do each day. Most people will find that they have about three hours each day that can be utilized in a more constructive or efficient manner. As we’ve noted above, you may have to give up the time you waste in your local pub or a few television programs you watch, but it will be worth it in the long run.

Efficient time management boils down to planning what you’re going to do, and then doing it without backtracking. Start by making a list of the things you want to do tomorrow, each evening before you go to bed. Schedule your trips to the store or wherever to coincide with the other things you have to do, and with your trips to or from work. Organize your trips to take care of as many things as possible while you’re out of the house. Take stock of the time you spend standing around shooting the breeze – especially the time you spend on the telephone – and eliminate all that isn’t necessary.

Whatever chores you have to do at home, set aside a specific time to do them, and a specific amount of time to devote to them. For instance, just one hour a day devoted to yard work would probably make your property the envy of all your neighbors. Don’t try to do a week’s work in one big flurry. Whether it’s painting your house, fixing leaky faucets, or mowing your lawn and trimming your shrubs, do a part of it, or one particular job each day, and you’ll be amazed at your progress.

Take care of all your mail the day you receive it. Don’t let those bills and letters pile up on you. If you’re unable to pay a bill immediately, file it in a special place that’s visible, and note on the envelope the date you intend to pay it. Answer your letters the same day you get them.

The important thing is to think of time as your most valuable asset, because it is. So organize! Decide what you have to do, and what you want to do. From there, it’s just a matter of arranging priorities.

Once you start listing and planning what you want to do, and then carry out your plans, you’ll find plenty of “extra time” for handling virtually any kind of home-based income-producing project. People in general may not like routines or schedules, but without some sort of plan as to what is supposed to be done, the world would be mired in mass confusion.

Laws, ordinances and regulations are for the purpose of guiding people. We live according to an accepted plan or way of life, and the better we can organize ourselves, the more productive and happy we become.

The secret of all financially successful people is simply that they are organized and do not waste time. Think about it. Review your own activities, and then see if you can’t find a couple of extra hours in each day for more constructive accomplishments.

When you begin planning, and then when you really become involved in an extra in come-producing endeavor, you should work it exactly as you have organized your regular day-to-day activities – on a time-efficient basis. Do what has to be done immediately. Don’t try to get done in an hour something that’s realistically going to take a week. Plan out on paper what you have to do – what you want to do – and when you are going to do it. Then get right on each project without procrastination.

Finally, and above all else, when you’re organizing your time and your business, be sure to set aside some time for relaxation. Be sure to schedule time when you and your spouse can be together. You must not involve yourself in anything to an extent that you exclude other people – particularly your loved ones – from your life.

Taking stock of the time you waste each day, and from there, reorganizing your activities is what it’s all about. It’s a matter of becoming more efficient in the use of your time. It’s really easy to do, and you will not only accomplish a lot more, you will also find greater fulfillment in your life.

Copyright © Kevin Purfield

Kevin Purfield owns the Wealth System Online Resource Directory where you can find everything you need to start,run and grow a home based internet business at:

Incoming time management related search terms:

How To Make Time For Your Home Business

Tuesday, September 25th, 2007

This time management article comes from the place of using your time more efficiently by planning out your day first. It gives some very straight forward ideas and a good followup article to this one would be to mention tools and strategies that would help with the planning of the day. And to also go into the benefits of planning out the week and the month.
Almost everyone needs or wants more money coming in, and with this desire most would like to start some sort of extra income-producing project. The trouble is, not many of these people seem able to fit “a second job” into their time schedules.

It’s true that most people are busy, but extra time for some sort of home-based extra income-producing project can almost always be found. It may mean giving up or changing a few of your favorite pastimes – such as having a couple of beers with the guys or watching TV – but if you score big with your extra income project, you will have all the time you want for doing whatever you want to do.

The first thing to do is to sit down with pencil and paper and list your daily schedule. What time do you wake up? Then step-by-step, list everything you do each day. Most people will find that they have about three hours each day that can be utilized in a more constructive or efficient manner. As we’ve noted above, you may have to give up the time you waste in your local pub or a few television programs you watch, but it will be worth it in the long run.

Efficient time management boils down to planning what you’re going to do, and then doing it without backtracking. Start by making a list of the things you want to do tomorrow, each evening before you go to bed. Schedule your trips to the store or wherever to coincide with the other things you have to do, and with your trips to or from work. Organize your trips to take care of as many things as possible while you’re out of the house. Take stock of the time you spend standing around shooting the breeze – especially the time you spend on the telephone – and eliminate all that isn’t necessary.

Whatever chores you have to do at home, set aside a specific time to do them, and a specific amount of time to devote to them. For instance, just one hour a day devoted to yard work would probably make your property the envy of all your neighbors. Don’t try to do a week’s work in one big flurry. Whether it’s painting your house, fixing leaky faucets, or mowing your lawn and trimming your shrubs, do a part of it, or one particular job each day, and you’ll be amazed at your progress.

Take care of all your mail the day you receive it. Don’t let those bills and letters pile up on you. If you’re unable to pay a bill immediately, file it in a special place that’s visible, and note on the envelope the date you intend to pay it. Answer your letters the same day you get them.

The important thing is to think of time as your most valuable asset, because it is. So organize! Decide what you have to do, and what you want to do. From there, it’s just a matter of arranging priorities.

Once you start listing and planning what you want to do, and then carry out your plans, you’ll find plenty of “extra time” for handling virtually any kind of home-based income-producing project. People in general may not like routines or schedules, but without some sort of plan as to what is supposed to be done, the world would be mired in mass confusion

Laws, ordinances and regulations are for the purpose of guiding people. We live according to an accepted plan or way of life, and the better we can organize ourselves, the more productive and happy we become.

The secret of all financially successful people is simply that they are organized and do not waste time. Think about it. Review your own activities, and then see if you can’t find a couple of extra hours in each day for more constructive accomplishments.

When you begin planning, and then when you really become involved in an extra in come-producing endeavor, you should work it exactly as you have organized your regular day-to-day activities – on a time-efficient basis. Do what has to be done immediately. Don’t try to get done in an hour something that’s realistically going to take a week. Plan out on paper what you have to do – what you want to do – and when you are going to do it. Then get right on each project without procrastination.

Finally, and above all else, when you’re organizing your time and your business, be sure to set aside some time for relaxation. Be sure to schedule time when you and your spouse can be together. You must not involve yourself in anything to an extent that you exclude other people – particularly your loved ones – from your life.

Taking stock of the time you waste each day, and from there, reorganizing your activities is what it’s all about. It’s a matter of becoming more efficient in the use of your time. It’s really easy to do, and you will not only accomplish a lot more, you will also find greater fulfillment in your life.


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