Posts Tagged ‘time management game’

Winning the Time Management Game – Distinguishing Between Projects and Chores

Monday, August 2nd, 2010

Time management is realy another name for task management.  The better you can play the game of task management, the better you can win at getting your time back.  There are many strategies and tactics that a person, business owner, student or employee can use to get the most effectiveness out of their time.  When it all comes down to it, it’s about having a clear plan and the focus to implement that plan.  When that happens, all of the other distractions that suck up your time fall by the wayside.

Each and every day, all of us continually search for the extra edge to win the time management game.

One of the most overlooked areas in implementing a time management system is the importance of differentiating between “chores” and “projects”. In the end, our time management strategies should be centered upon the completion of projects.

However, more often than not, we end up repeatedly doing the same chores in an effort to feel more productive.

Chores Versus Projects

If you are concerned with the importance effective use of your time, you must learn to differentiate between chores and projects.

A chore, as I define the term, is an item that, while needing to be done, does not accomplish a long term goal. A chore is akin to a ritual that must be completed week to week. A, chore, if left undone, can be delayed until another day. Mowing the yard, washing clothes, and buying groceries are all examples of chores.

Projects are items that usually involve multiple steps and take longer to complete than chores. Projects usually need to be completed once and provide a significant long term advantage when completed. Usually completion of one step is necessary before we can move to the next step. Painting the house, remodeling the kitchen or renovating a rental property are all examples of projects.

Completing Chores Is Not The Key To Long Term Success

We all want to feel productive.

With respect to widely managing our time, many times we sacrifice the long term satisfaction of completing a project for the short term gain of doing a chore.

However, when we understand the importance of managing our time over the long term, we realize that we really are not accomplishing anything at all. Over the course of a month, we will have exactly the same number of items to complete. Grass grows, clothes get dirty and food is eaten.

These tasks must be repeated each week.

While it is very satisfying to get things done, unless it makes a real long term improvement to our life, it does us no good.

Completing Projects Is The Key To Winning The Time Management Game

Unlike performing a chore, when you complete a project you must complete each step once and your efforts are rewarded continuously over a long period of time. When you remodel the kitchen, you do it once and enjoy the benefits and convenience of a modern kitchen everyday thereafter for a long period of time.

The problem with completing a project is that it usually cannot be done quickly and involves multiple steps. The emotional payoff is delayed until all of the steps are completed. Many people are unable to implement a time management strategy that spans multiple weeks or even multiple days.

Their time management system focuses on what needs to be done today. As a result, they never get around to permanently accomplishing the longer term projects.

A Time Management Strategy For Completing Projects

In the end, it is easy to develop a time management strategy to win the time management game. Simply break projects down into smaller steps. Each step can then be completed in a short period of time and over a period of days or weeks.

If you need to remodel the house, the project can be broken down into several component parts. Each of these parts can be performed (usually once) over a period of time.

We get the daily or weekly emotional payoff of completing a goal along while reaping the long term, permanent, benefits of completing an important project.

Think Long Term To Win The Time Management Game

The key to developing a winning time management strategy is to implement a time management system that emphasizes the long term completion of important projects over the short term emotional payoff of busy work.

By breaking important projects down into smaller steps, you can reap the short term emotional payoff of getting things done along with the long term benefits associated with completion of an important project.

Douglas Manning writes articles to teach people to win the time management game. Get more time management training at

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5 Easy Time Management “Hacks” | Steve Scott Site

“Lack of time” is usually a good way to let yourself procrastinate. Here are a few easy ways that you can add a bit more time to your day. Think of these tips as time management hacks: … The amount of time people waste playing video games amazes me. Some of my friends literally stay up all night long playing games on their Xbox. Supposedly some of the games for younger kids are educational, but there’s really no point to most other games, especially if they’re keeping …

Publish Date: 07/27/2010

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Fun Time Management Games

Monday, May 10th, 2010

Time management is usually something that is learned and developed. It can be developed by using a number of different systems.  One way that is gaining in popularity is to learn time management through a system that is fun to learn and is more likely to get you to use the system.  In this short article, the author talks about how to look for time management games and some of the things that they do.  This is a high level view of how time management games work so read on for more.

The concept of time management games is familiar to the internet savvies. Although some call these games as a pure waste of time, while others find it plain and simple fun, very few do realize the real importance of these games. As the phrase suggests, time management games teaches you managing your time efficiently. The concept of these games occupies a vast area. These games are designed under different themes such as basketball, fishing and many other. Unlike the standard computer games these are strictly time-bound and need to be played within the stipulated time frame. You have to finish playing these games within a limited amount of time as allocated to you.

Online games are very common these days. Being an ardent internet browser, you can search for these games in any search engine. While you get certain game websites that allow you to play these games free of cost, some websites are there where from you require purchasing software programs for such games. Before all these, you must be convinced of the reasons that would drive you to play these games. A wide and easy availability of these games over the internet is the first reason to play these.

Although you always have the liberty to buy gaming software, it is however not imperative. Internet provides you with a variety of interesting Time management activities to suit people of different age groups. The biggest reason for playing games is undoubtedly the lessons and tactics that these games impart. Time management is a skill that enables any of us to utilize our time optimally in the most productive manner thus making us accomplish more than what we would have done otherwise.

Like other games, apart from being fun, these games act as teachers that teach us the crucial lesson of time management. Once you become efficient at in the workplace, you are bound to lead a much better life knowing your priorities and the ways to get them done, all within your estimated time!

Being efficient and effective, by utilizing the best practices for your efficiency can be learned from time management games as well. When you visit the site you can get a free eBook about managing your time that shows you how to maximize your free time and much more!

More on time management games:

CrossRoads: iPhone Game Helps Players Develop Time Management

Apps, iPhone app reviews, iPod touch, iPad applications, & game reviews. CrazyMikesapps gives you daily videos, podcasts, and rss feed to get you the best, latest, and freshest app info and news fast!

Publish Date: 05/08/2010

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